Ernest Leroy Averill
1883 - 1942
William, William, Isaac, Daniel, Daniel, David, John, George, Ernest member Connecticut National Gurard 1901-1942, enlisted as private, First Division, Naval Militia, 1901, Ensign 1903 until discharge 1908, private, Company K, Second Infantry, 1912, honorably discharged as Sergeant October 31, 1913, re0enlisted as private, Company E, 10th Militia, Filed Artillery, November 18, 1913, promoted Second Lieutenant March 2, 1916, served on Mexican border 1916-1917, promoted First Lieutenant March 30, 1917, and Captain October 1, 1917, regiment federalized August 26, 1917, as Battery E, 103d Field Artillery, 26th (Yankee) Division, overseas October 9, 1917- October 28, 1919, supply officer 103d Field Artillery until June, 1918; transferred to Quartermaster Department, 41st Division July 17, 1918, and Judge Advocate's Department March 6, 1919, and Judge Advocate, Base Station 7, La Rochelle, France, March 29, 1919, and Base Section 9, Antwerp, Belguim, April 22, 1919, transferred to Judge Advocate's Office, Service of Supply, May 26, 1919, on duty in Eastern Department of Judge Advocate's Office, Washington, October 31, 1919, until discharge January 1920, Chevaher Mérite Agricole (France) 1919, successively recruiting officer, commanding officer Battery a, 172d Field Artillery 1920-1923, intelligence offficer 1923, and Lieutenant Colonel, Judge Advocate General's Gepartment, assigned to State staff, 1925, Major Commandant, 1st Company, Governor's Foot Guard, September 20, 1940-August 1942, retired with rank of Brigadier General September, 1942 |